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Helping veterans and their families to rebuild their lives!

We work with organizations that are helping veterans and their families to rebuild their lives by providing a life skills development series designed to aid veterans in their journeys and help them to move forward with confidence. This 6-week series has been set up to provide direction for the veterans in your groups who are rebuilding their lives from anxiety, PTSD, depression, transition or reintegration and who are looking for results!

Learning how to take empowered action, try new behaviors and connect with their passionate selves are just a few of the skills learned by interacting with our horses. There is no BS - only clear answers. Horses respond to our authentic selves. They are always honest and they cannot judge. This is why they are the best teachers! They work hard to push us to a new level where we can feel confident and competent in ourselves and in our abilities. 


It is one thing to learn new skills, however to remember them and put them in to practice is priceless! Working with horses creates a unique memory that causes the attendee to remember the training far longer than sitting in ‘just-another classroom’. Each participant will gain empowerment through group exercises that focus on individual qualities and at the same time, they will have some extreme fun and life changing moments. All skills learned in the arena are paralleled back to their everyday lives, ensuring that the learned skills are  transferred to how they deal with people, choices and the world around them. 


Our interactive group programs are specifically designed to ensure the learning and retention of necessary life skills to aid in each veteran's personal growth and journey. Our “teacher-horses” will provide “loud teachable moments,” that the participants will never forget. By working with their teachers, participants will build strong, solid skills that they can draw upon when they are faced with choices in everyday life. Our 6-week program series builds on one particular skill each week and then continues building on those skills as the participants move to the next week.


Each veteran and family member will learn:


  • that internal dialogue needs to match external actions

  • that force does not equate to movement 

  • that looking back stops movement forward

  • how to overcome barriers to find change

  • that it takes courage to make the changes the horse is telling them

  • how to be creative and innovative

  • how to develop their decision making skills

  • how to take appropriate risks to get out of their comfort zone

  • how to develop patience to take it one step at a time

  • the importance of communicating their vision with direction

  • how to find the leader within themselves

  • how to realize the benefits associated with effective communication

  • the value of mutual trust, respect, and personal integrity

All while having a blast!

Contact us today to see how we can help your group of veterans and their families!
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